The structure: A factor of stability in transformation

Business transformation per se brings a lot of novelties, changes and unknown.

In the world of the new and not so well known, the structure is a factor that brings stability and predicts the steps leading to a set transformational goal.

Structure is necessary in finance – what are the transformations costs, in what and how much to invest in order to pay off in the long run.

The structure is needed in a portfolio and with clients, in the scope of services / products that we develop and introduce in our portfolio, that we write off and in which order we do it.

The structure in needed in the processes and business practices to define which of them we require in the future, how to introduce them and how to make them practical for the organisation, which to delete as only consuming the energy. How to digitalize the processes and practices and make them easy to understand and apply.

The structure is needed from the organizational aspect – how to organize ourselves, which employee profiles we need in the future, what organizational values we need to foster for the transformation to succeed, and which order to follow when introducing, changing and improving things.

The structure in communication – the easiest way to explain it is by saying that the steps in communication ought to be such as to make everybody feel duly informed on the transformation steps, the least to say. Even better – to say that all were included whenever possible. Whether talking about internal or external communication let it follow what we do, as on key changes our client or employees need to learn from us and not somebody else.

Transformation requires structure, order and communication of quality in all business segments, give it to what it takes to be successful.

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