Changing the organizational culture requires determination and commitment

In a global survey on organizational culture conducted and published in 2022 by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), one information is particularly useful for dealing with this topic:

81% of the respondents who say that the culture in their organizations is weak, also say that they do not recognize the determination of their organization to improve the organizational culture.

There are many topics open for discussion here, but one thing is certain and very clear - if we want to improve the organizational culture in the company, it is important that we as a company are determined to change things on that front, resolved not only declaratively, but essential because it is a serious and very demanding undertaking, and the bearer is not any individual function in the company, but the entire business starting from the highest level in the organization.

"We will redefine the organizational values a bit, communicate it to everyone, then we will also do some measurement and then this culture change will start to happen in practice!"
„Malo ćemo redefinisati organizacione vrednosti, iskomunicirati to svima, onda ćemo uraditi i neko merenje i onda ta promena kulture počne da se dešava u praksi!“
„HR will design a project for us and we will get involved as much as we can, it will definitely go in the right direction!"

In reality, the real change of organizational culture is very far from this kind of thinking.

When we are really committed to changing the organizational culture, then a lot of work is done with business leaders on what we want from our culture, even more work is done on involving employees to give their contribution in encouraging the new culture we want to build, and most of all we work on business leaders realize the importance of that change, to dedicate quality time to work with their employees and teams and to behave exactly the way they want everyone else in the company to behave.

As culture and leadership are interconnected vessels system.