Change is the only constant and you have to know how to deal with it

"There is no need to explain how quickly things change in the modern world", is a sentence that can be heard more and more often in the business world.
Well, is that so?
We think not!
The need to talk about the changes that are all around us every day is greater than ever. Bearing in mind that today there are members of many different generations working in organizations whose habits and reactions to changes are different, it is important to put in focus topic about changes. Whichever generation we belong to, the impact of AI and social networks will not go around us. In addition, today it is unconsciously expected that we are all ok with changes, it is a skill of the modern age and business is slowly but surely starting to implies it.

Is it realistic that we all have the skill to manage changes and deal constructively with changes when we are part of them?
📊Prema studiji koju je sprovela kompanija Gartner, prosečan zaposleni naišao je na deset promena u kompanijama 2022. godine, što je veliki skok u odnosu na samo dve promene u 2016. godini.

We wonder what the number of changes per employee would be today at the beginning of 2024? Undoubtedly even bigger!

The huge number of changes we encounter in the business environment still does not make us so familiar with changes that we can easily accept them.

The most common reasons for this are related to the fear of the unknown and the feeling of losing control over the situation. When we look at all this from the perspective of an organization, it becomes clear to us that if we want to make a transformation of any kind in our business, we will face exactly these feelings in our employees, which are at the basis of the resistance to change that often troubles us and we wonder where it actually comes from.
If we want to see change in our business, let's face it, there is no sustainable change if we approach it in slapdash manner, with the idea that it will be easy, and even less can change be sustainable if we encourage it without involving our associates and relying to the idea that we know best and can do it ourselves, and that they are there "just to implement" what is decided.
Business and organizational transformations are complex processes that lead to a set of desired systemic and sustainable changes in the business environment, and there is no company that does not go through them - that's why we will write about them in the next post.