Our Marina Matić participating in a panel on leadership in contemporary organizations at HR Week conference

If we were to extract two key messages that our Marina Matić has given to the public during yesterday’s panel on leadership in contemporary organizations at HR Weekconference, we would say that the successful leader is authentic and that he/she invests time in talking to people, not being afraid to get feedback on his/her behavior that needs to be changed.
As leaders, we often hear about what and how we should do something, while what we should really do is to remain authentic and to nurture our own nature. At the same time it is needed to understand when that our nature becomes our enemy, and to learn for such situations new different behaviors other than our usual ones.
Leaders today, being pressured by complex external factors, often neglect the importance of investing their time into conversations with people and building relations. There are no excuses – talk to people as this is the base for quality relations being the essence of leadership.
Thank you #HRWeek22 for opportunity that with collogues Vladislava Djumic Trtica, MBASanja JevdjenijevicMarina Atanasoski and Loredana Gilmeanu we can discuss on very important topic.

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