Insights from the conference „HR of tomorrow“ in Berlin

Our Ivana Solunac je bila učesnica na konferenciji „HR of tomorrow“ koja se održala prošle nedelje u Berlinu. Sa nama je podelila jedan od vrednih uvida sa ove konferencije.


„The experiences and cases of various companies such as Porsche, Microsoft, DHL and others at the conference "HR of tomorrow" in Berlin say a lot, and the open exchange of successes and problems encountered and networking with the other participants even more.

There are many insights, and here is one that I would point out.

The business context is changing and can no longer be predicted in the long term. And this is important to get right from two key perspectives. First, it may be most visible in the IT world, but it affects literally all industries. Second, organizations should be guided by their long-term vision, as a destination where we want to arrive, but strategic management must be "here and now".

Organizations that build their capabilities in such a way that they are able to adapt their strategy and tactics "just in time" to the context in which they operate without deviating from their vision will have a present and a future.

Kada ovo posmatramo kroz prizmu L&D strategije, ona treba da ima visoku fleksibilnost i prilagodljivost, udaljavajući se od koncepta „one size fits all“ a približavajući se struktuiranim re-skilling i up-skilling projektima, kako u oblasti razvoja leadership-a tako i u tehničkim znanjima.“