How does our typical meeting look like when we are performing as a team leader?

In cases when we are in the position to run a team and to take ten minutes of our time to think over how our typical team meeting looks like, we can come to some very useful insights and realize the true functionality of our team.

Some of the questions to be answered are:
• During a meeting, who talks the most – me or my team members?
• Do we talk more about the problems or solutions?
• Do all team members know who does what, how it is going and how the contribute to the team result?
• Can a phrase “I am sorry” be heard on our meetings?
• Can a phrase “Thank you” be heard on our meetings?
• Does someone from the team, after making a mistake, talk about it openly in front of the team, with a sense of responsibility, yet without fear of the reaction of others?
• Do meetings end with clearly defined and agreed action plan?
• Do we ask each other how we are, and do we spend some time talking about thing which are not business related?

In case of answering all these questions in an honest way, and if we have identified at least one thing that we can improve, we have already done a right thing for ourselves and our team.

In case of answering honestly to all these questions and have concluded that we should not change anything in our managerial style, we might pose all these questions to our team members and compare our perspective in the way we see each other.

Should we decide to go one step further, we can do that.

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