Business transformation succeed owing to people and strong leadership

Quite often our clients revert to us when they are looking for a solution how to raise their business to a higher level.

A company transformation from one level of business operations to another is often looked upon based on key business indicators. Hence, key questions imposed on the owners or managing directors are – what kind of growth do we want, with what portfolio and through which channels, what digital tools do we need for that, how are the clients going to react on that....

If you are transforming your business, always have in mind that the key business factors for success of a transformation process are people and the organisational culture. They are to enable your vision to become reality. In case you are not taking this into consideration from the very beginning, having this question pop up during the transformation process of your business, then you have chosen a more difficult path.

The most common reasons why we do not think about this at the beginning but at a later stage, when in the transformation process it “hurts” us more, are the following:

  • It looks to us that everything is going as it should be and that, with the current style of leadership and the organisational culture, we would be able to move forward.
  • We do not know where to start from in the process and how to introduce a clear structure in the part of the transformation process linked to people, leadership and organizational culture, this being less concrete and clear to many when compared to net-sales, key account list and market potentials.
  • We are concerned that we will realize that what exists today is not even close to what we need for a new level of business when it comes to people, leadership and culture.
  • We believe that this is not so important and that it will be solved somehow along the way.

If you are preparing your business for transformation and for making it stronger, join our clients who are taking this road with us. Let us reach together the answers and learn how to avoid that your key questions on people, leadership and organisational culture become soaring topic, in the situation when the most important element in the uprising line of your business is to have stability.

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