For 56 days Lotse has been working as a trio

56 days #LOTSEworking as a trio – it’s hard to decide whether it is better to say „have already passed“ or „have just passed“, taken that both contexts have the unique beauty for us.

What has been our Dijana’s preception so far –

I have frequently been asked „What’s it like on a new job?“

I always reply fast and in a sincere manner „It is super, very dynamic!“. At the same time, in my head there are so many new pieces of information, a totally different dynamic of work, diversified clients, different topics, familiar and new challenges, so many new people and processes. Yet, above all, there is a unique relaxing atmosphere.

Every day is different for us. I believe this is what makes our job beautiful, although some say that this might be the reason for getting a bit tired eventually. Still, it will not be boring, I can see already. When you work together with people who know exactly what to do, what is their goal, what are the steps to be taken to reach it, and how to enjoy it all the way, you can feel the enthusiasm speeling over on to you, as well. This is precisely why these 56 days often look like a lot longer than what they really are.

They did tell me that they want their job to be fun forever, and I can say now, we are on the right track.“ ⛵

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